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Hoofmann 05-14-2022 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kurt (Post 78226)
Awesome. Trifecta is a fun all day trip. We did Where Eagles Dare back in September, and it was a short, but awesome side journey, great trail!

Kane Creek is always a fun one, sucks that you weren't able to finish it as that's the funnest part!

We finished it the last day. Imgur link has a video of me going up that ledge that hangs everyone up.

Cobound 05-16-2022 04:54 PM

Yeah, bozos that get hung up on Hamburger Hill ruin it every really need to hit it when there is no crowd, IIRC we got behind a Red Rock group :james:

Great hooking up w/ you again, man...always a good time!!

Some more for you to peek at from your run w/ us on Kane - and Hell's Gate...I have vid of you poppin a wheelie on the way down, too...good save ;)





Hoofmann 05-19-2022 09:51 AM

I’m behind on posts but about 2.5 weeks ago I went down to Buena Vista and ran Carnage for the first time. Trails like this will always expose vulnerabilities in your junk and mine was no exception. Carnage took a fair amount of winching to get me and my other buddy in the white YJ through. Crew included Greg, who comes here from time to time and three of my friends that I’ve known forever.

My junk made it through, thankfully. On the way out, however, I clipped a giant rock coming down Chinaman’s. :james:

The impact broke the sector shaft in my steering box. I had to leave it overnight and get a new box and swap it in the next day. I’m a lucky guy and my friend drove back down there with me (2hour drive, each way) and helped me swap it.

The steering box swap took less than an hour and I was back on the road home. However, the impact knocked my steering so far out of alignment, the tires were barking anytime my wheels weren’t straight. Highway speeds were very sketchy as it had way too much toe out, so it would dart all over the lane with any slight adjustment. Not a great feeling driving twisty mountain roads. I ended up stopping in Fairplay and adjusting the tie rod to a more acceptable alignment.

I hate to do it, but I’m parking this thing for a few weeks. I’m going to finally drill and tap my steering box and install a hydro assist ram.

Cobound 05-19-2022 01:13 PM



Originally Posted by Hoofmann (Post 78311)
I hate to do it, but I’m parking this thing for a few weeks. I’m going to finally drill and tap my steering box and install a hydro assist ram.

Dude, good'll love the assist. I miss it, there isn't a decent solution for the diesel JT yet, but I'll be all over it once it's ready.

nblehm 05-22-2022 07:35 PM

Nice man! Steering box is a tough break

freerider15 05-23-2022 12:15 PM

Glad to see all went well and ya got back!

Hit BV as I mentioned the weekend after you.

Four of us started the trail around 1:30, got off around 5:30 with a bit of just screwing around...lazy day wheeling :cool:

One in a full bodied Yota broke something in the squeeze, so he turned around and headed down.

The left line on the exit has gotten way more dug out. Actually had to work at it some instead of the couple minute up and out.

Headed to SoDak next weekend for the first time :cool:

We're hitting a few areas, last being Captain Crunch. Just crossing my fingers I make it through unbroken, since that trail put most of CO's to shame...up and including to some extent Boulder Canyon apparently. :eek:

Cobound 05-23-2022 03:41 PM

SoDak...awesome...makes me wish I had a buggy...if I could only justify :p

Take lots o pix!

Enjoy - safe travels!

Kurt 05-25-2022 07:48 PM

Im 1.5 weeks away from leaving to hit the Rubicon again. Missed it last year because of the fires, so we decided to do it in June instead of late September. Looks like its going to be chilly there, so I swapped on the full doors and hard top, and added an awning. Full overland mode engaged....

Also got my portable blackstone seasoned and ready for the trip.

Cobound 05-26-2022 02:07 PM

Awesome, I'm jealous....wanted to hit the Rubi so bad last year and it got thwarted...dammit!!

I'm thinking my JT can do it, damn the potential damage :lol:

Nice table, does that top roll up and the legs all fold up and go inside of it? Looks super sturdy! I love the Blackstone, just not sure how I like the bulk of hauling it...haven't snagged one yet, but it has been on my list.

What awning is that, looks super thin - must be a roll out, like an ARB?

Anyway, headed out this weekend for a bit of RZR action myself, but my JT is starting to come my cap back on, tossed on the Rhino Rack Batwing awning...not sure I'll do the Roofnest or not, my Gazelle is quite comfy and quick to set up just the same...and less top weight to carry around.

Grabbed some molle panels for the bed, hard pill to swallow, but I love them now that they are in there and my gear is secure.

Not sure how I like this small (compact) awning tho, put it on there cuz I had it and replaced the one on the Escapade w/ a larger Overland Vehicles Systems 270...may sell it and get the larger/longer OVS 270 for this one, too :dunno:


Is nice that it's not super long...


Have fun, safe travels...and take lots of pix for us to live vicariously through :p

Kurt 05-26-2022 06:18 PM

The awning is from Rhino Rack...its their Sun Setter. Its not huge, but it'll work for what I need it for. Shade or protection from a passing shower.

The table is awesome, its super light weight and folds up pretty good. The center slats roll up, and the table legs fold in and collapses together. Has a bag to put it all in. Its very sturdy and great for cooking. Last time on the Rubicon I took my portable Traeger, worked great for that. The Blackstone is lighter and packs a lot better than the Traeger.

I got the table on Amazon, and its unavailable. This may be an updated version though, same brand: Camping Table

I'll take plenty of pics. I'm reading that the trail is a bit chewed up after having so much snowfall. Normally we go in the Fall, and it ends up being after Jeep Jamboree goes through and makes a ton of repairs for their event, so the trail is usually pretty well maintained then. This time around could be interesting.

Cobound 05-27-2022 11:44 AM


I'll have to look into that Blackstone and table some more...thanks for the info.

Headed to the Shakk shortly - I'll tell Wrekker you all said hi ;)

Safe travels out there, gents!

Hoofmann 03-28-2023 02:25 PM

Hello gents! I’m back and I’ve been knocking some projects out on my sh!t box. It feels good to have a place to work again. My garage is still a mess from moving in a little over a year ago, but Jeep projects are always the priority.

I got my hydro ram installed. That was an adventure. I ended up drilling the steering box without taking it apart. That was a mistake, as I accidentally drilled into the steering valve and fvcked it all up. I slapped it all together and the steering worked great going left but i had no power steering at all in the other direction. Feeling stupid, i took everything apart, and took a hard look at the steering box, as i figured it had to be that. Figured out my folly and now I need to finish welding it all up and paint it before it’s all said and done.

Right now I’m working on relocating the fuel tank. When I stretched the wheelbase in 2006, ratchet strapped the stock tank to the tub where the seats used to go. Of course, temporary fixes end up being permanent and I’m sticking it back behind the rear axle again with my spare laid over top at some angle. I will post pics after some more progress.

I’m skipping EJS this year because a friend of mine is having a 40th bday in Moab a few weeks after EJS. I have ~3 weeks or so to finish the projects on my list before I head out to Moab to kick off wheeling season 2023.

nblehm 03-28-2023 04:14 PM


Cobound 03-28-2023 04:16 PM

Got heat in my garage this year and I can't stay out of it. Hung a 55" TV, have tunes, beers n tools at the ready.

Putzing on the finishing touches on getting my trailer ready to sleep in, haul the RZR, and loading up the back of the JT.

Be in Moab on Saturday :rock:

Have fun, see you next run!

Hoofmann 03-29-2023 01:22 PM

I decided to upload my progress, where I am now.

I taco’d the rear crossmember last trip out, so started cutting.

And fabbing

And mocking up

So the plan is more tubing surrounding the top of the tank. Sheet metal all over to conceal the tank and 1/4” skid on the bottom. It currently hangs ~8” off the back, past the rear tires. I’m going to suck the tubing and the tank in another 3”.

The spare is sitting on the lower tubing, in the picture, but I’m going to fab a little tire rack made of bent tubing that will lift it 5-7” and possibly lay a little flatter. We will see. I’ve probably spent two full days standing around with a tape measure and coming up with ideas.

nblehm 03-29-2023 11:01 PM

Interesting. Haven’t seen that layout before.

6DoF 03-30-2023 06:50 AM

i mean, makes sense really. factory location, just back for axle clearance and up for rock clearance. the tank doesn't really need to sit flat though, could you rotate the backup a little? the rear top of the tank looks sloped, shouldn't loose floor but might gain departure.

Hoofmann 03-30-2023 10:27 AM

It does need to be flat, though. There’s a little dent in the bottom of the tank to make a little sump for the fuel pump. I get the feeling that if I rotate the tank a little, it’ll be near empty with no fuel getting to the pump!

6DoF 03-30-2023 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Hoofmann (Post 84241)
It does need to be flat, though. Theres a little dent in the bottom of the tank to make a little sump for the fuel pump. I get the feeling that if I rotate the tank a little, itll be near empty with no fuel getting to the pump!

how is that any different than driving up a rock face with the entire jeep about ready to flip over backwards? yes, the sump will work better if the tank is flat ... but when is the jeep flat?

edit: i had to delete 2 ' from your quote before it would post ... why does it freak out with a ' in a quote!?!?

Hoofmann 03-30-2023 04:26 PM

I’ve been watching too much Morgan Clarke Design on YouTube. MCD1 builds trophy trucks and it’s pretty common to have a fuel tank/spare stack on the ass end of a trophy truck. It balances the weight with the front and makes it ride nicer at speed.

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