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xj_man_646 01-02-2020 10:19 AM

Something similar happened with John Deere recently related to allowing owners to repair their own equipment without going through a dealership IIRC.

nblehm 01-05-2020 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by 6DoF (Post 37795)
they are particularly the worst from what i've been told. was talking to my mechanic over break and i didn't realize there were "right to repair" laws. basically some states had to sue em to get access to the PCM to perform some repairs. that is bonkers.

Right to repair is for sure a thing. A local shop owner here, that does training classes and stuff is on the board (spacing the name of the group) that fights for all that stuff. Basically all manufactures have to provide a way to program cars. Some are easy like gm with a 40ish dollar fee for 2 days of service on their website but some like bmw you have to buy a 1000 dollar yearly subscription (which isnt cost effective if you dont do a lot of bmw programming).

But some modules cant be reprogrammed after they have had a vin written into them, so cant buy used and manufacturers arent going to always keep making new ones.

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