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Cobound 02-10-2021 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by myjeepsbigger (Post 62533)
Well, it made an appearance at Johnson Valley. Had a lot of stuff going on through the week (i.e. crashed UTV's to fix), so I didn't get a chance to drive it around as much as I'd hoped. But it at least got me re-interested in it. Hopefully get rolling on it again soon, albeit at a much slower pace that pre-KOH. I need to spend some time tweaking the suspension/shocks, but I think it will be a hell of a crawler. It was just a little loose on the faster stuff (sand whoops) than I had hoped. Once I get the bumpers on, and more of the finished weight in place, it'll be easier to get it dialed in for good.

Pic attached. This was taken by CJ Cooper.

Bad ass shot, dude!!

Got one on FB while I could...


6DoF 02-11-2021 06:34 AM

super bad ass lookin rig dude, can't wait to see what else you do to/with it!

Hoofmann 02-11-2021 03:36 PM

Holy crap! I didn’t realize you had this thing up and running enough to take it out. Congrats, I’m sure it’s not all the way done, but it looks killer!

Cobound 02-11-2021 04:13 PM

I lost track of the number of people that walked by and snapped pix of that thing at camp...D was off at another "garage" working on things when I was at, the drool around it kept the dust down, that's for sure :lol:

Can't wait to see it on the Rubicon this fall! :rock:

myjeepsbigger 02-12-2021 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hoofmann (Post 62580)
Holy crap! I didn’t realize you had this thing up and running enough to take it out. Congrats, I’m sure it’s not all the way done, but it looks killer!

Yeah, it's a long way from done.


Originally Posted by Cobound (Post 62581)
I lost track of the number of people that walked by and snapped pix of that thing at camp...D was off at another "garage" working on things when I was at, the drool around it kept the dust down, that's for sure :lol:

Can't wait to see it on the Rubicon this fall! :rock:

I wanted to just record the "speech" on my phone so I could replay it for every new person that asked about it. I thought it would be cool, but it's actually kind of annoying. :roflmao::roflmao: Maybe I could get one of those "easy" buttons to put on it where people can push it to hear a recording of all the pertinent info. :D

Cobound 02-12-2021 10:48 AM


Might as well put together a car show placard now, so when you park that thing on the way out to Cali you can get some rest and not wear out your voice talking about it. Your wife might get irritated by the 3rd stop :roflmao:

You best prepare for an added pitstop at the fuel stations, too, cuz you're going to have walkups like mad...oh, about that placard, maybe just put it under the wipers while you're filling up and point to it if someone walks up to talk...

"It's all right there, I gotta go inside and pay." :lol: :yes:

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