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xj_man_646 12-10-2024 08:41 AM

I hope you're right, the wrath of an unhappy wife sucks. :lol:

6DoF 12-11-2024 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by xj_man_646 (Post 97566)
I hope you're right, the wrath of an unhappy wife sucks. :lol:


something breaking is one thing ... but when i get mean on the throttle and something brakes, that's when she's all glaring judgy

6DoF 12-11-2024 06:57 AM

got all the bolts started, first one tight, and realize i got the AN adapter to fit on the bracket ... but i never clearanced it for the actual hose to thread on ... all back apart ��*♂️

but it's together now and it's solid.

wrath 12-11-2024 07:49 AM

I find the blank soul-less stare to be effective at de-escalation.

I kind of want to try out the "that sounds like something my ex-wife would say".

6DoF 12-11-2024 08:57 AM

BAAAHAHAHAhahahaha :lol:

good luck with that!

6DoF 03-10-2025 09:10 AM

when a buddy calls and says there's something in the scrap bin you should come get, you make the 1300mile round trip ASAP! literally free from the scrap bin, complete from ECU to turbo, ready to run. 2021 and 2022 B6.7 industrial Cummins, one with about 200h and one with about 400h. both perfectly good, removed from an equipment development program and were being scrapped cuz they were a "prototype" configuration.

for "destruction" a hole was drilled into the crank case ... the size for a 1/4npt tap, in a basically non structural area. i just need to run the tap, locktite in a plug, and pull the pan to clean out the shavings. power, ground, fuel, jump the starter and they'll run on the pallets.

but hank happily made the trip, only mishap was about 1000miles down the speedo stopped working. need to investigate that. i'm also going to weigh this **** tonight as i unload, i bet it's closer to 3000lbs in the bed and the springs only squatted 2-1/4" :lol:

MBood82 03-10-2025 03:02 PM

That's a hell of a deal!

So what are they going to go into....?

6DoF 03-11-2025 07:08 AM

one gets sold asap for sure. my buddy needs cash for a street rod truck, and part of the cash would pay for whatever i do with one. he's ok with me hoarding one for a future project, but i think selling both will be the best actually. in the case of selling both, since these were a gift from the gods of gears, any cash can only be used for automotive jackassery.

basically it would be easier and cheaper to make more power, lighter, with the cash than this engine. being industrial and having the rear gear train changes a lot, and not many tuners or aftermarket without change a TON.

6DoF 03-11-2025 07:21 AM

those damn things, with the pallet, were 1370lbs and 1386lbs

xj_man_646 03-11-2025 11:30 AM

Who scored these for you? That is awesome :lol:

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