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myjeepsbigger 09-02-2020 09:30 AM

Willys Wagon build
4 Attachment(s)
Although I'll probably suck at keeping progress updates here, I thought I would give the Jeep Talk forum a little love. I sold my Silver & Black CJ7 a little over a year ago, and starting working on this 1960 Willys Wagon. I actually had it running and driving for a while last Winter, and used to tool around the country block out at the Farm. It was a flat-head Hurricane engine with a three speed. Actually ran pretty well. All I really wanted was the body and title, so the entire frame and drivetrain was sold. Admittedly, the body is pretty rough. But I knew that I was going to cut the hell out of it, so I didn't want to buy a really nice one and have that guilt on me. :f2: Anyway, the idea is something I can throw the family in comfortably, and run it across the country without worrying about reliability. Then hit some trails, camp, and drive it back home. The Rubicon trail next September is our intended target...although if I have it done and proven by January, I'll likely drive it out to KOH.

I've currently chopped the top 3", dropped the windshield 2" so that the bottom of it matches the side window level, and chopped the hood/raised the front fender so that the body line matches up. That always annoyed the hell out of me about these wagons. Side benefit is that it creates a pretty sweet looking high-line front fender. I have the floor cut completely out of it, and the body is channeled down over the frame, so it should sit super low, and still have a flat belly.

It's sitting on a 2015 JKU chassis, and I've kept that wheelbase. Custom 4-link and panhard in front, single-tri 4-link in the rear (lowers dont have a lot of triangulation). LQ9 6.0 & 4L65E from an 06 Caddy, Atlas 3.0:1 case, 1410 driveshafts, Dana 60's. I also put on 2.5" King adjustable remote-res shocks and King air bumps. Currently running a limited slip and 4:10's, but I'll likely move up to Yukon Zip's or Arb's and 4.88's. Tires are 40" Maxxis Radial Treps. Also running a street rod fuel cell, Stealth fuel pump kit, and all small fuel/oil/trans lines will be AN. Steering is a JK big-bore PSC with assist, and PSC pump.

I've attached a couple pics. Maybe I'll try to find a hosting site to throw a few more up soon. I have several on my IG, for those of you that want to look there.

freerider15 09-02-2020 10:31 AM


A Willys Wagon or Truck are my next, more long term, build.

But we'll move and I'll have at least a 30x40 shop when that happens.

My plans would be a little less involved, more stock. Likely a waggy frame with 44's, and a 5.3/4L60 to putt around/commute in.

It would likely replace the XJ I'd imagine too :lol:

xj_man_646 09-02-2020 11:07 AM

Hell yeah. Your builds always impress me, Damon.

myjeepsbigger 09-02-2020 03:40 PM

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Cool little grille mount I fabbed up from some 18ga. The bottom of the grille was rotted out around the edges, so I made that piece to reinforce it. Then a matching piece to mount to the frame. I was mostly just playing with the brake and bead-roller, trying to get the hang of things.

myjeepsbigger 09-02-2020 03:56 PM

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Some of the body mods in progress. Quite a bit of nasty bondo in it here and there, but that will all be cut or ground out before it's over.

myjeepsbigger 09-02-2020 03:59 PM

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Drivetrain shots from initial mock-up. You can kind of see how I made a "subframe" for the link mounts. These JK frames are really wide, so I had to do something to bring the frame-side mounts in...but I didn't want the lowers on a crossmember (to aid drivetrain ease of service in the future). So I carefully prepped and welded some 4x4 square tubing on the frame and built out from there. Worked out that I can run my exhaust through the 4x4 (it's wrapped now). Initially, I thought I would need flex joints in the front section of the exhaust to keep the engine vibes from breaking it, but everything is mounted with some pretty stiff urethane mounts, so I'm gonna let it ride and see how it fares. I already have the flex couplings, so adding them later won't be a big deal. The exhaust is installed with stainless band clamps, so each section is independently removable. Tailpipes are in progress.

nblehm 09-03-2020 12:20 AM

Ive been pumping your tires already on instagram, but this thing is SO good. :rock:

Curious where you came across a 2015 jk frame?

myjeepsbigger 09-03-2020 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by nblehm (Post 52738)
Ive been pumping your tires already on instagram, but this thing is SO good. :rock:

Curious where you came across a 2015 jk frame?

Frame came from a salvage yard that I do business with occasionally at work. Got it for $500. The only damage on the whole thing was a tweaked front bumper bracket...which I cut off anyway. :D If you're doing something like this, you can find a lot of minor front collision frames out there that are being sold as "rear section only", but they usually don't have damage past the crumple zone. Anyone that can fab a jeep, can replace that section easily.

xj_man_646 09-03-2020 07:41 AM

Can you post some closer shots of the link mounts and such?

Also what is your IG? I joined it finally...

xj_man_646 09-03-2020 07:44 AM

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that its the same as your screen name here.

myjeepsbigger 09-03-2020 01:03 PM

Actually it's my real name now. I changed it a while back.

myjeepsbigger 09-03-2020 01:11 PM

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I'll see if I can snap some more recent stuff soon. This is from January this year when I was just tacking things together, to see if I could get it all packaged in the available space. I've made a few changes here and there. The frame-side brackets are from RuffStuff, Barnes or Ballistic. I can't remember which. They come as an unwelded kit, and fit together nicely.

nblehm 09-04-2020 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by myjeepsbigger (Post 52742)
Frame came from a salvage yard that I do business with occasionally at work. Got it for $500. The only damage on the whole thing was a tweaked front bumper bracket...which I cut off anyway. :D If you're doing something like this, you can find a lot of minor front collision frames out there that are being sold as "rear section only", but they usually don't have damage past the crumple zone. Anyone that can fab a jeep, can replace that section easily.

Interesting. I have tossed around the idea of throwing the waggy body on a jk frame after watching your build. But quick googling wasnt bring up cheap options.

Cobound 09-08-2020 05:52 PM


Ugh, that work is so pimp!!!

Hoofmann 09-08-2020 08:59 PM

This looks like it’s going to be a fun build to watch! :)

6DoF 09-09-2020 09:29 AM

get after it! hell yeah!

Blue XJ 09-10-2020 10:58 AM

Awesome build, jealous on this one!

Scott00TJ 11-13-2020 10:48 AM

Very cool!

myjeepsbigger 12-14-2020 10:59 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Don't have much for pic-worthy updates, but I've been knocking out the floor structure. It's been tough. With the engine pushed back to clear the front axle, t-case clocked up to keep a flat belly, frame channeled up 6" or so, and cab chopped 3", there isn't much room left! And the fact that I had to cut out the entire floor to make it all work. So, it's really been a challenge. I decided to frame it all out with 1/2 x 1/2 square tubing, just to give the sheetmetal a little extra structure (knowing that there are going to be a lot of irregular shapes, in order to maximize interior space, and still be able to work on it.) and to help me visualize where to start. That center access panel is all riv-nutted with 10-24 screws. There will be similar panels on the sides of the bellhousing pieces. So, anyway, here's a few pics. All the welds will eventually be ground down and the whole thing sprayed with Lizard Skin or something similar, then likely some removeable outdoor carpet. Once I get the steering column set, I'll work on seat position, then pedals, then fab up a removeable dash. It's probably going to be multiple removeable panels, so I can pull it apart for service.

Did all my radiator mounts yesterday. It's mounted off of the frame, instead of the grille. That's the only way I could do it with the big PSC box in the way, and given the remaining vertical room that I had to work with. It's pitched back slightly, and will hopefully give me enough room to mount the trans and engine oil coolers...and a A/C condenser later down the road. I did the upper and lower mounts, and shroud, out of 18ga.

Oh, and my seats have been a debacle, too. I have two nice power/heated leather buckets that I was going to use, but they simply won't fit. The power mechanism on the passenger side will not clear the transfer case. And they are VERY heavy. So, I've given up and gone to a split bench seat. I think my kid and dog will like riding up there, anyway. :lol:

myjeepsbigger 12-14-2020 11:00 AM

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Vertical mounts for the radiator are just 1" square tube that's mitered to a frame crossmember. Isolated the radiator with rubber small-engine mounts on the verticals, and foam rubber on the sheetmetal mounts.

Cobound 12-14-2020 11:20 AM

Love the updates...that you're doing this all in your little garage, hawt damn, man!!

Can't wait to see it in person in a couple months :rock:

nblehm 12-14-2020 01:00 PM

Its coming out killer man. I am going to start saving my pennies just in case you ever sell it :lol:

Cobound 12-14-2020 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by nblehm (Post 59465)
Its coming out killer man. I am going to start saving my oennies just in case you ever sell it :lol:

Get in line :lol:

Hell, as many cool things as he's built, this one will likely stay in his arsenal forever, his little girl won't let him sell it, I'm sure :p

6DoF 12-14-2020 01:16 PM

so much sheet metal :twitch:

looks awesome man!

myjeepsbigger 12-14-2020 03:31 PM

I need to hear it run or see it out in the daylight or something. I'm running into SEVERE fab fatigue. :lol:

Cobound 12-14-2020 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by myjeepsbigger (Post 59477)
I need to hear it run or see it out in the daylight or something. I'm running into SEVERE fab fatigue. :lol:

I can ONLY imagine :eek:


myjeepsbigger 01-18-2021 03:04 PM

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Tons of late nights going into this thing, trying to get ready for the KOH trip. I've temporarily wired power to the engine harness and had it running. Sounds AWESOME. Plumbed brakes, added Wilwood proportioning valve, regeared axles (5.13) and installed Zip locker in the front, Grizzly in the rear, made PCM mount, finished engine/trans/power steering cooler mounts and plumbing (all AN lines), framed-out the center floor portion and started on the cage. WHEW! Only a few pics to share.

The cage is just the start. I want to use it to help support the body (since it's basically just a skin now), as well as protect in case of a roll. But there isn't much much room at the B-pillar (this thing is narrow), so I recessed the B-pillar cage tubes into the body. I'll eventually sheet over them, to make it clean. Cage will be tied to the rockers and the frame.

I still need to get the rest of the interior sheetmetal done, cage done, some sort of dash made (possibly just temporary for now), and get it wired all within the next week-and-a-half.

Cobound 01-18-2021 03:19 PM


nblehm 01-18-2021 08:56 PM

Youre a mad man! Will feel good to drive that thing.

6DoF 01-19-2021 08:48 AM

those tacks are REALLY well spaced! are you measuring them out or just eyeballing it?

myjeepsbigger 01-19-2021 10:10 AM

Eyeballing. They're not all that well spaced. :lol:

6DoF 01-19-2021 10:18 AM

i looked closer, you're right ... total trash.

myjeepsbigger 01-19-2021 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by 6DoF (Post 61328)
i looked closer, you're right ... total trash.

:roflmao: I'm my own worst critic. I'm already wishing I had started with a better body. But at this point, I'm married to it. I guess that will make it easier to smash it on a rock. :D I keep having to tell myself that it's a wheeling rig, not something going to a car show.

6DoF 01-19-2021 10:29 AM

myjeepsbigger 01-25-2021 10:42 AM

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Cage outer perimeter skeleton is done, rear floor done, wiring finished enough to verify that it starts, runs and revs up again. Wiring took me two full days, and I'm still not finished. There is the Painless fuse block/harness that will handle most of the body/lights, then a separate fuse block for the powertrain, and another relay box for Starter, Fuel pump, Cooling fan, and the N/C brake 12V signal to the Throttle Module (needed to make cruise control work). Took me a while to get the tab geometry just right on that rear hatch window, too. That pivot has to be just right, or the supports will bind on the window frame, or the body, as you close the window. When they're perfect, it clears both by just a freckle.

Edit: And before anyone makes a comment on "all the plain white wires"... Those are each going to an ignition-on circuit in the computer harness. For anyone that's had one of these harnesses apart, you know that they're all pink. Well, I couldn't find a spool of pink wire. :lol: I still have each of them labeled with tape at the firewall. That will all be covered with wire loom, but the labelling is still there if I ever need to troubleshoot a circuit.

The list of stuff is trimming down, but I still have this to do before leaving for KOH Friday morning:

Dash fab
Shifter & mount
Rear tailgate
door latches
Currie sway bar
Radiator puke tank
battery mount
seats and seatbelts
sheetmetal cage dimple die tie-ins
rebleed brakes and power steering
top off gear oil
Door sill sheetmetal
Air supply to Zip locker

That doesn't include getting my truck serviced, checking over the trailer, packing tools, etc. Fukk. I'm going to need a vacation after my vacation.

Few pics attached.

Cobound 01-25-2021 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by myjeepsbigger (Post 61783)
That doesn't include getting my truck serviced, checking over the trailer, packing tools, etc. Fukk. I'm going to need a vacation after my vacation.

That floor is downright sexy, I'd take a nap on it :p

Dude, that's how it goes...trips like ours lately have been that way, getting ready is damn near as much work as a job...but holy hell does that make for a great vaca...and needing a vaca after vaca :roflmao:

That's a lot to do, you confident this will be on the trailer and drive when you get there vs being a show piece :eek:

Stoked to see it, thanks for taking time out of your build to post updates for all us sorry saps that can only live vicariously through your work ;) :us: :rock:

My RZR is waiting for me out there, just hope nobody rolls it before I get to drive it :cotter:

6DoF 01-25-2021 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by myjeepsbigger (Post 61783)
The list of stuff is trimming down, but I still have this to do before leaving for KOH Friday morning:


good luck sir!

6DoF 01-25-2021 12:17 PM

Cobound 01-25-2021 12:21 PM

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :rock:

myjeepsbigger 02-10-2021 03:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, it made an appearance at Johnson Valley. Had a lot of stuff going on through the week (i.e. crashed UTV's to fix), so I didn't get a chance to drive it around as much as I'd hoped. But it at least got me re-interested in it. Hopefully get rolling on it again soon, albeit at a much slower pace that pre-KOH. I need to spend some time tweaking the suspension/shocks, but I think it will be a hell of a crawler. It was just a little loose on the faster stuff (sand whoops) than I had hoped. Once I get the bumpers on, and more of the finished weight in place, it'll be easier to get it dialed in for good.

Pic attached. This was taken by CJ Cooper.

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