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Lubes 03-17-2021 01:13 AM

Any of you fukkstix gonna make it to Easter Lubes Safari??
Since they cancelled and uncancelled and recancelled and reuncancelled EJS, I just took over the name and week... and their cute little old geezer's club can either show up or be scurred in their masks, 0 fux given.
But T3N5OR Greg, my buddy Tommy, and boy Steve, Lil Rich and a few others are gonna be tearing up the rocks all damn week leading up to Easter out in Moab.
Are any of you fukkerz gonna make it out and wanna meet up??

6DoF 03-17-2021 06:55 AM

want to? Sh!t yeah!!

can i? not this year

MBood82 03-17-2021 07:18 AM


Hoofmann 03-17-2021 10:46 AM

I’ll be there at least Thursday through Monday. I would like to camp and I hope all these geezers have bailed.

Cobound 03-17-2021 03:26 PM

Fvcking given :f2:

Rolling into Lake Powell area on or around the 28th...hang out w/ a buddy there for a day or two, head up to Elephant Hill and Lockhart Basin, then check into our condo on Wednesday.

Have a new buddy from my town coming along, and a group of other MN guys will be know Pat and me.

See you there :driving:

nblehm 03-17-2021 08:20 PM

Not this year.

Sir Sam 03-18-2021 06:53 AM

I’m gonna go next weekend.

Cobound 03-19-2021 10:46 AM

I can't wait until next Friday :rock:

Lubes 03-21-2021 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cobound (Post 63990)
Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah
See you there :driving:

Sweet! We have a condo too this year, down on the south side of town. We'll be waiting for ya, and try not to burn the town down before you arrive! :D

Cobound 03-22-2021 12:15 PM


Lubes 03-23-2021 01:57 AM

Need me to bring any Colorado love?? In exchange for cheesy curds of love... :-D

6DoF 03-23-2021 06:49 AM


Cobound 03-23-2021 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Lubes (Post 64138)
Need me to bring any Colorado love?? In exchange for cheesy curds of love... :-D, if I had planned sooner, yes...but being in MN vs WI isn't the same game - let me check w/ Pat to see if he can grab some curds, he's always open to IPA, bourbon or the like :rock:

Edit - curds in the works, at least some Shullsberg for you, looking for some Westby Creamery, my favs. Had I known sooner I could have snagged some Nelson Creamery, mmmmmmm....I'll get you some WI cheese ;)

Lubes 03-24-2021 12:19 AM

I am ALWAYS down for curds! And I'll bring a few of those bourbons I got from that exchange deal, I have 4 nice ones to share...
If you think of any IPAs, or beer at all, that you cant locate or get ahold of, lemme know before Sat!

Cobound 03-24-2021 09:41 AM

Sounds good...we normally swing into Grand Junction on the way home to grab some stuff to stock up on, can't think of anything off hand we can't get, but there are so many good ones out there now it's tough to get a bad one..

Bourbon is always good tho, and probably easier ;)

See you next week!

Lubes 03-25-2021 12:30 AM


xj_man_646 03-25-2021 02:47 PM

Speaking of cheese curds, I need to get over to the Bass Lake Cheese Factory now that I live close again :rock:

Cobound 03-25-2021 03:22 PM

Hit RJ's Meats in Hudson for some snacks for myself as well as some Ellsworth curds, some solid aged cheddar and grabbed some Shullsburg curds, and know Pat is getting some Westby (my fav) you'll be set ;)

xj_man_646 03-25-2021 04:29 PM

RJ's Meats is the best butcher shop in the area IMO. I love that place. Haven't been there in ages, but my old boss sourced the 240# of chicken wings that used to be handed out on Christmas Eve (all day cooking and eating fest at the station) from there (the BP station right across from the I-94 on ramp). The head mechanic at the shop works for RJ cutting deer in the winter and is the best cook I know.

Cobound 03-25-2021 05:19 PM

Yep, I always get my beefsticks and brats there...and WI cheese when I need.

Their steaks are wicked good, but also priced the highest around. He used to be a customer of mine, thought he was a super nice dude, til one day he lost his shyt on one of my reps (long story, but it was absolute BS) was after he'd stopped advertising w/ anyone I stopped going there - except when I need brats, beefsticks for trips.

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