04-27-2018, 10:57 AM
Semper Fi !
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 39,046
Originally Posted by Cobound
Yep, saw that in Moab this year at the Jeep booth...great idea! It has a premium ($170 more than standard, I'm told), but has a 2 year warranty, it's lighter, and rocks bounce off it like rubber balls
They even have the Jeep climb in the corner, and the Gorilla Glass has a gorilla in the other corner. Looks like a solid product. And, yes, MOPAR is going after the aftermarket crowd hard. However, their prices are absurd...and not always as good of quality as some aftermarket you'll find. My .02
I've replaced glass in both of our first two JKs, so far so good w/ the current one. I have glass replacement coverage on my vehicles tho, so it's covered when it's replaced, probably the best thing about living in MN related to my vehicles!!

They should have had the gorilla driving the Jeep in the corner! I'll see what the installed price is next time I need a new one. Probably next summer based on odds/regular replacement rate.