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Old 04-30-2018, 09:41 AM   #164
old and boring
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Originally Posted by wrath View Post
I bought a larger camper (not any heavier, I don't think, but it's 4' longer at 31') and it's like 9" taller. Old camper pulled at 11.5-14.5mpg depending on speed. New camper doesn't appear to be any worse, but it is more aerodynamic even though the parachute is higher in the air. Haven't been able to tow it far enough to be certain yet. It's funny when it goes into 4 cylinder mode when in town and makes it sound like some ****box car with a fart cannon trying to hold too high of gear.

Friend has a camper that is the same size as ours and pulls it with a GMT900 Tahoe (forget year, 2008 maybe?) with a 4L65e in it. Ate a transmission and gets 9mpg regardless of speed.

Kind of would like a Duramax for towing a camper because even with air bags, giant brakes, Duratracs, and giant front and rear sway bars it is a bit irritating to tow something that tall in a heavy crosswind. However, I think we'll end up with a Super C motorhome before long so it won't be necessary.
Yeah aero and wind suck with big campers. We recently bought my in-laws 31ft camper, but I've towed it quite a few times with different trucks before it was ours. It comes in right around 8k lb loaded for a trip, not light but not awful, but the aero is what kills it. Feels more like 12k if you try to go 70mph....might as well be pulling a billboard. Most of the newer campers have decentish front surfaces, this one does not. My 2005 6.0L Silverado will drag it wherever I need to, but trying to maintain highway speeds is annoying. 4th bogs on the slightest incline and 3rd revs annoyingly high for cruising. Gonna try towing with my wife's 09 Tahoe this year. Added brake controller, rear helper bags, and trans cooler, plus the camper is set up with weight distribution and sway control. Power isn't much different than my truck, more room and comfort for 2 kids and 2 dogs in back, and I'm hoping it'll be a lot easier to find the sweet spot with the 6L80E than with my truck's 4L80E. I'm also hopeful that the SUV body helps the camper cut through the air a bit easier compared to the truck, but we'll see. If it sucks on the first trip then we'll go back to using my truck. I still expect single digit MPG, but hopefully not quite as deep into the singles.
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