Thread: Balancing Tires
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Old 08-20-2018, 12:47 PM   #9
shoplifter fail
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Originally Posted by xj_man_646 View Post
Did you even read the original post? It is very obviously an issue beyond a lazy tire shop.
Uhhh yeah...

"They said to balance the tires by putting the wheel weights down the centerline of the rim, not on inside/outside."

Now let me ask much experience do you have in a tire shop?

I've got a bit.

Wheel weights centered, or inside the wheel like that, are never as good as those on the lip. We proved that many times over. Then again, I worked at a shop that cared about what we sent out the door.

If I told you a steering stabilizer cures death wobble, what would you say?

Proper techs would have broken down each tire, and rotated it on the wheel if there were balancing issues. Upon that, we would have also run a road force test.

We would have found that either:
- The tire needs to be replaced, as it was bad from the get go
- The wheel needs replaced (either bent, or somehow mis-manufactured)
- The tire needed rotated and properly balanced on the wheel (not too uncommon).

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