Thread: Balancing Tires
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Old 08-20-2018, 12:51 PM   #10
shoplifter fail
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Originally Posted by xj_man_646 View Post
1) It does not seem like he was taking it to any run of the mill tire shop. A dealership should know what they're doing when it comes to these things!
2) The dealer probably lost more money in time dicking with the same vehicle coming back than they made off the original tire purchase.
3) There is no reason to believe they screwed up conventional balancing 4 times, and got it right on the first try with sticky weights.
If you really believe this, I've got some great beach front property in Kansas for sale

Having been a tire monkey, everything you've written above, we saw...enough.

We "rebalanced" dealer "balances" seemingly daily.

They don't give two licks, since it pays them next to nothing.

They don't specialize in that, they just want to slam it in and send it out the door.

As someone who has known a few peeps who've worked for stealerships...they always told family, friends, to come to us
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