Thread: Balancing Tires
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Old 08-21-2018, 03:10 PM   #13
Turd Ferguson
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Originally Posted by jeepkid05 View Post
Have they put the tire in question on different corners of the car? Do you think it’s a possibility that a belt has shifted on the tire?

I had a set of brand new BFG at ko2 on my old work truck. And they couldn’t get them balanced. Same sort of story as above. Weights. Then Road force.... I finally told them which tire it was coming from. They put it up and spun it on the lift, and you could see the slight imperfection on one tire. Just something to think about.
When I put the Toyos on my truck I had a pretty bad vibration under certain conditions, especially when I pulled my trailer. It was pretty bad. I took it back and had it balanced a few times but was in the middle of moving so it took me a while until I got a chance to try again with a new shop.

Originally Posted by nblehm View Post
A road force balancer should have caught that
Took it to a local shop that a friend worked at and he road force balanced the tires. Sure enough, one was obviously out of round, visible just when the tire was rotating, nevermind with force applied. Clearly the guys at the first shop weren't actually watching the tire. I got the tires warrantied out and it's been fine since.
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