Thread: Balancing Tires
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Old 08-28-2018, 01:02 PM   #32
shoplifter fail
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Originally Posted by nblehm View Post
You can dynamic balance tires with stick on weights.
Oh yeah, we did plenty.

The usual problems one tends to run into on those cases:
1.) The offset of the wheel makes it so static is really only possible and/or its just enough attempting dynamic ends up with them too close together and it's moot anyway
2.) The wheel weights, even after rigorous cleaning, brushing, etc. don't want to stick to well (especially in the cold).
3.) You get them to stick, they seem rather secure (even after maybe using a heat gun to get the adhesive to really grab), and they get tossed off after X amount of miles due to adhesive failure, mudding, etc. etc.

I have stick on weights on the Raceline's on my F-350...but it's a 7.3, leafs, etc. I don't expect it to ride like glass (though it does ride pretty damn nice for the most part).

Originally Posted by bbaCJ8 View Post
Try them with nothing first. I'm on my second set of 40s with zero balancing and they ride great with no vibration. I've heard of others with the same results on the big radials.
Yeah, not planning on doing anything on the rig. It doesn't see speed regularly enough for it to even be warranted. When it does see speed, it either drives just fine (on road), or its aired down and doesn't matter anyhow. Gotta love rallying across rocks in aired down 40's, on ORI's, that would normally destroy a regular rig
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