HATE the plastic bumpers on this thing. Even with them being ceramic coated I have to reapply every 6 months or else I'll start seeing the white/gray spots. So I got a new rear bumper for the time being. Front will be replaced soon-ish. Need my bank account to recover after all the boat parts and Christmas.
I went with a budget brand after reading all the good reviews. Only complaints were nicks from shipping. Which mine had a TINY one right on the ends. Touched it up with touch up paint and moving on,.

Hanging it from the ceiling from my hard top hoist to air brush the ceramic coating on prior to installation.

Coating done.

It fit fvcking perfect! Heard some complaints of folks saying they had to tweak it around to get it to fit. Which were rare, and figured most of those people are just full of sh1t, or retarded.
Installed this too. Not much to see and didn't take any pics of the install.
Didn't wanna drill my bumper so drill through my license plate. Right now I'll manually fill up the bags through the schrader valve. Don't forsee me adjusting these much.

It's fun to watch the back end go up and down when you put air in or out. HAH!