Originally Posted by champ
Xeleventybillion on the ZF programming logic for FCA 8spd vehicles. I've been driving the GF's JL with the 8spd and... and... I can't believe I'm saying this, but if I were to buy a JL tomorrow - it would be an automatic. That thing is always in the gear I expect it to be and drives just flawlessly.
On the other hand, my GM designed and programmed 8spd behind the 6.2 is godawful. It's like they didn't even try.
Ram would be the first truck I test drive if I were in the market for new.
I love the 8 speed with a Hemi, they just rip and feel good. The 8 speed JL on 35s isn't great, but isn't awful. On 37s it's a fair bit worse, no surprise there.
What's bad about the GM 8 speed? Just early shifts and lots of torque management like all their other crap? The combo you have is my primary focus for my next truck, so I'd love to hear if there's something awful to watch out for.
Originally Posted by 6DoF
this ... the 6spd in my '08 gas truck is up there with the worst of all time. the first thing i did after getting the truck was to add a superchips for trans shifting. i almost sold the truck, but it's my only complaint.
the BEST thing however is to just put it in Manual-6 and 'trailer mode'. it's basically sport mode and works really well, except for really slow in parking lots. trailer mode by itself is good, but putting it in manual-6 gets rid of the compression braking downshifts.

Yeah same for the 6L80E in my wife's Tahoe. If you're not heavy into the throttle it upshifts painfully early and always feels like a turd.