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Old 01-29-2019, 04:44 PM   #15
not cool enough
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Originally Posted by bbaCJ8 View Post
I love the 8 speed with a Hemi, they just rip and feel good. The 8 speed JL on 35s isn't great, but isn't awful. On 37s it's a fair bit worse, no surprise there.

What's bad about the GM 8 speed? Just early shifts and lots of torque management like all their other crap? The combo you have is my primary focus for my next truck, so I'd love to hear if there's something awful to watch out for.
Well, her JL is a bone-stock Sahara so that might explain why I haven't been disappointed by the transmission calibration yet.

As far as my truck's 8spd? The overall clunky feeling is horrible at low speeds. The 1-2 shift is probably the worst and the downshift logic is as 6DoF explains: apply gas *nothing*, repeat, repeat, annnnd oh here we go at 5000rpm. The really strange part is that some days, it's totally tolerable, and other days you shake your head in disgust. The TM, honesty, doesn't feel too bad. The only common horror stories seem to revolve around the torque converter ****ting itself in the 15-16's.

One thing I can't quite put my finger on is the 1-2 shift. The best way I can explain this (and I'm drawing from heavy equipment powershift transmission logic) GM messed up on the cold oil apply schedule for 1-2. When I back out of my driveway in the morning, then shift to D, I get a nasty hesitation on the 1-2; the same feeling you get like you just hit the rev limiter but instead its spinning 2k. Then it'll bang into 2nd and continue on its merry way like nothing ever happened for the rest of the day.

If I didn't value the warranty, I would already have a local guy calibrate the ECU and TCU.
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