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Old 02-12-2019, 09:47 PM   #33
Turd Ferguson
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Originally Posted by wrath View Post
I always thought those bedside boxes were a brilliant use of space.

I was wondering, do they make it a noticeable change in how "tippy" the truck feels having all the extra weight up high?

I have purposely mounted everything I can very low. Air tank, extra ballmount, air compressor, air tank, air tank hose, tool box, etc are all mounted at frame height. If I throw the same weight in the bed of the truck (say, two bags of water softener salt) it makes a huge performance "feel" difference. I was wondering if it made the same or more difference if the weight was high and to the outside.
I can't say I notice a difference but the heavy parts, the tools and hitches, sit in the front of each wheel hump and mostly sit level with the top. So the weight isn't much higher then in any other circumstance. The straps, first aid kit, paper towels and **** that sit above that weight nothing.
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