This is the 96- steering column hole:
This the 97+ steering column hole, it needs to to cutout and moved obviously. Not exactly sure how I will go about that.
Here you can see that the newer C101 plug hole, what I will probably do it cutout the donor shape and then use the bolt holes in the older plug to hold the plate in place.
This is the older style steering column bracket, it will need to but cutout and the new one(below) welded in.
Here you can see the older style heater core hole is a little different, but it'll work.
Here you can see the upper dash bolt points are different, not sure what to do about those.
This is the older side mount bracket studs/bolt holes, the newer style is below, as you can see there are a fair amount of differences.
This is the older style door post latch, this is a little tricky but can be dealt with fairly easily.
And this is where I think I will mount the filter head:
I'm not sure why but I have a filter head with different banjo fittings on it, which won't work in my configuration, so the bent stockers are perfect.