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Old 03-29-2019, 10:05 AM   #48
Semper Fi !
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Originally Posted by Cobound View Post
Capitalism at it's finest, eh!

I get making a buck, but raping those that can't do it themselves is ridic! Sure, you're paying for tools, overhead, training, etc...but sheesh!
Need balance. Capitalists with a social conscience, Socialists with a capitalist mindset in getting things done.

Need to start wrenching some more myself, just to keep the skills up for the time I need to help someone or fix stuff in the middle of no where or last minute get to work fixes.

Hope to get a running YJ or TJ soon that I can work on with #1 kid to improve and teach him some skills.

Kids just don't have the time to take things apart that they shouldn't be taking apart anymore. Leaving crap around the house in different states of disassembly was a great joy in my youth, and taught me a ton.
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