Thread: Koh 2020
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Old 08-15-2019, 08:58 AM   #10
- The Don -
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So, Pat bought a buggy a few months ago, is competing in Crandon over Labor day for a qualifying spot...hoping to be up there to sit in the pit while it all goes down. Things turned into a shytshow w/ camping and whatnot, and my boss is what she is, I can't get that Friday afternoon off so I'm hoping it all still works out that I make it up there...anyway, KOH 2020...

Yes, I'm in. While I'd love to ride out w/ Pat in his rig, I'll likely fly out and rent a Jeep for a few days, fly home. I have limited time off, and a lot of other trips I want to do, including continuing EJS shortly after KOH.

Once dates and races are figured out, and depending on whether Pat qualifies in two weeks or not, I'll be on it in a heartbeat! Gonna make sure I'm there in time for whatever race he gets into, or there to get in on the most debauchery

I'll know more after Labor Day's events.
To each his own.

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