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Old 10-14-2019, 02:38 PM   #1
- The Don -
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Default Mesabi Mountain Trail - Gilbert, MN

Did some wheeling this weekend, not as good or as many pix as I would have liked, but I can't take my own wheeling, and I wasn't hopping in and out all day for others - ha!

Mesabi Mountain Trail in Gilbert, MN. It's been open for years, but I just recently heard about it. I had been to the Iron Range OHV Park several times, and this is just down the road. Glad we hit it, solid run.

Would have been nicer had I put the new rubber on, was super wet, slick, snowy...but I got where I needed to. Smashed my exhaust, other than that it was a decent day.

It was beautiful when I left home in the afternoon

Turned quick once I got there -

Waiting on a full size Chevy to get through in front of us...crazy he made it where he did, wish I had taken a shot of that thing

Oh, dented this pig, too

To each his own.

Not all those who wander are lost.

The great irony - triggered snowflakes accusing triggered snowflakes of being triggered snowflakes
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