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Old 10-28-2019, 08:48 AM   #13
- The Don -
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I had a CO that was court martialed for burying HMMWVs in Iraq rather than clean and ship them back - wrote them up as unservicable. My unit was responsible for cleaning them over there, and then when equipment got back here we pulled it all out, wearing full MOPP gear in unbearable humidity in North Carolina heat, put them on large wooden decks, some things up on block and tackle beams and washed them down, dried them and repackaged them as part of an embarkation unit

Dennis, wonder if you could look him up, forget his name off the top of my head, but he was w/ 8th Engineers Support Battalion out of Camp Lejeune, circa '91 (90-92)
To each his own.

Not all those who wander are lost.

The great irony - triggered snowflakes accusing triggered snowflakes of being triggered snowflakes
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