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Old 10-29-2019, 04:08 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
Only thing the Corps used M151s for post 1990 was as FAVs for Recon and maintenance vehicles as the Camp Pendleton golf course.

Was talking to folks this weekend, the Gladiator is going to be tested with the -53K according to the one guy who would know and has the ultimate authority to make it happen. Will also be tested as a sling load, shouldn't have any real problems.

It should still fit in a V-22 with flairs, roll bar and windshield removed, but as tight as it could possibly be. So no go with 18-42 year old crowd driving.
But the M151 was still being used even that late in the game. Even if it was in limited use. I simply brought it up as an indicator of how long the HMMWV could hang around in motorpools. Hell the Combat Engineer guard unit in my home town had M60AVLBs long after the regular Army had phased them out, even though they would have been in support of M1 Abrams tanks. Guess what wont fit across an M60AVLB's bridge without removing the little guard rails off the side haha.

Would be neat to see it in or under a 53 though. I rebuilt T64 gas turbines for 5 years. Those aren't in the K models but I still have a spot in my heart for 53s

The last 3 years I was in I spent on V22s. My least favorite aircraft as a passenger haha.
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