So after hours of eye burning searches of forums to try and find the best/cheapest way to solve this. There were multiple issues people found to solve there problems. Most notable were replacing the expensive SKIM module and having to program the keys by a locksmith or dealer. A module in the door lock, broken wires in the door jamb. Spraying out residual dust in the PCM connections. Bad fuses. Bad grounds. Replaced the computers. Replaced the BCM. Replaced ignition...etc. many people replaced numerous part and remedial actions to solve this. I came across a gem buried deep in some marginally related thread.
What I did. Purchased a remanufactured computer for $200. I removed the computer, then removed the SKIM module along with the halo around the ignition. Had three unchipped keys cut. Then I installed the new computer. Once installed I turned the key to on position for about 10 minutes. While the computer goes through its initial learn and doesnt read that there is a SKIM module it goes into non-skim mode and doesnt activate the security portion of the computer. I turned the key off for a couple minutes and it fired right up with the non chipped key. It's been running fine for a couple days now. The only thing is that the SKIM light is on all the time. I took the gauge cluster apart and removed what appeared to be the bulb for it, but it's still on. I put a little black tape over it. The only issue I just realized this morning and havent had time to look into it is my windsheild wipers dont work. Not sure if it's a relay/fuse thing or if it somehow ties to having removed the SKIM module...loluhg.