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Old 12-01-2017, 08:49 AM   #11
- The Don -
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Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
Now, if they would just have a program to get all that installed on the assembly line rather than have some of the dealership flunkies and apprentices installing them, I would be happy to roll it all up at the time of purchase.
Honestly, I'd guess they will have some sort of factory option down the's all getting rolling now.

They will most definitely have dealers doing them...some will specialize in them while other dealers will continue to do nothing but sell Ram trucks or minivans...but the dealers that get it will have dedicated service bays assigned to do just this. Companies that partnered w/ AEV - like Pollard, Trail Jeeps, Burnsville of MN, etc...will charge you plenty to do it "right".

I think there are still too many aftermarket options for Jeep to straight up build them spec sheet like that from the factory. You'll still want to do some mods after you get one w/ all the bits - no different than building up a Rubicon now...Rubicon is that "from the factory" built Jeep.

Damn, the ability to toss on 35s from the day you drive it off the lot
To each his own.

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