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Old 01-05-2021, 05:32 PM   #41
- The Don -
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Yeah, one just starting to rust will go $4-5k easily, especially w/ under 170k on it. No rust at all, $6-8k.

Clean, no rust starting, 130k easily $7-10k. Now, that's asking, but I do know you're not going to buy one for under $6-7k...having looked hard all over the place for them, they are priced high and sell fast!! How fast, listed and sold in hours sometimes...definitely in days.

It's insane. That one I posted above for $14k only has 50k miles and looks super clean - but I've been to that dealer and their last XJ was sketchy as hell, even as clean as it was, had tons of red flags, this one is likely the's been listed for a couple weeks and no idea if it's sold cuz it's a dealer and I'm not calling, cuz I ain't interested
To each his own.

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