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Old 01-06-2021, 10:52 AM   #42
shoplifter fail
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I understand the love for XJ's myself (obviously), but it gets to a point where I hope they'd be spending that money since they have a bit lying around, rather than looking at what that kind of money can buy you. Love my XJ's (mostly) but $8-14k can buy you something a hell of a lot nicer for a DD

Doesn't help I'm tired of working on vehicles to some extent. Nikki's Jeep was getting a little warm so replaced radiator, water pump (again), tstat (again), hoses (again), and the fan clutch.

It's got ~192k on it now, and I'll likely be DD'ing it soon enough.

I'd say Sam's should be able to pull $8k on BAT. For what I see going for $5k easily, I think a super clean, lower mileage specimen should be able to fetch that.
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