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Old 06-10-2021, 06:55 AM   #200
AKA: jeepnski
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this rust prep stuff seams LEGIT now that i'm finally getting a handle on how to use it. AutoTech Rust Prep.

this stuff ... the gallon is cheaper than the 16oz spritz bottle, so i bought my own bottle. protect your floor, it will etch the cement. i also try and keep it off my chassis since i plan to clear coat it, it will also etch any bare steel it gets on.

also finally found an application method i like. i have it in a spritz bottle and mist it on, but have a rag to wipe up the drips coming off the bottom. then once the rag gets kind of saturated i use the rag to dab everything down and make sure it's in all the little spaces. once it's about half dry and the white starts to show up, i re-coat the whole thing with extra rag dabbing to help clean off the start of the white residue. after it's totally dry you have to clean all the white off with water (just a wet rag) before paint.

these pictures are not wet, that's the hard finish it leaves. just needs the rest of the white cleaned off.

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