Thread: I went wheeling
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Old 06-20-2021, 08:39 PM   #203
Sir Sam
Working Mother
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Well you can bypass the fuel pump relay and power the pump directly with a jumper wire.

"no bus" can mean that the gauge cluster isn't making good contact with the dash connector, a pretty common issue that requires reseating the gauge cluster, or tweaking the pins in the connector so it make a better connection.

Or a bad crank position sensor can also cause a "no bus" to show on the cluster.

Or a bad cluster microprocessor would give no bus.

Or a bad ECU.

Or a failure on the CCD bus, the CCD bus runs between the ECU, Cluster, Airbag computer, and SKIM(if equipped). A fault on any of the wiring to and fro could cause it, or an issue in one of those modules.

There is a junction block under the dash that all the CCD bus wires come to, it makes a convenient place to do continuity checks on the CCD wires.
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