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Old 09-30-2021, 08:26 PM   #24
AKA: jeepnski
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I have 44psi fuel pressure quickly, and it holds there even off just fine.

Back probed the TPS, that all seams to be perfectly in spec and functional.

Unplugged n re-seated the computer plugs, blew em out, now i also get another code for high tach signal. But the high tps code is gone, still have the low tps code.

Pulled the coil pack n jumpered ground to the plugs, they all have spark.

Tried to do a compression test, but i need a long thread adapter ... With the o-ring off i can only get one thread to take. Still tried it n got like 30-50psi. So that worries me. I did have a tiny bit of puffing smoke last it ran after the new head from the oil cap, but just a wiff n nit enough to really even feel. Poured oil in the cylinders n rocked the crank a bunch, they are all holding the oil well n not draining down quick ... We'll see in the am.
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