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Old 11-15-2021, 08:34 AM   #19
AKA: jeepnski
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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what an adventure that was. Flew down Thursday night late, both dead when we got the hotel, i couldn't sleep like it was Christmas eve as a kid. he picked us up first thing in the AM, truck was as-advertised, so off we went. bank for the deposit and notary, then back to his house to drop him off. he sold this cuz he got a new daily, a TRX! i demanded a ride before we left

were 5miles from the coast, so we drove down for lunch on the beach. pan fried grouper taco :drool: walked the beach for a few minutes, toes in the Gulf, and then headed north. 500miles the first day was basically uneventful and pleasant. though, the wife did use my noise canceling over-ear headphone the whole ride stopped Friday night in Nashville, and spent Saturday looking around.

Day 2: breakfast on Broadway, live music, tchotchke shops, etc. even taco bell was bad ass! the tours of drunks at 11am were the best though, holy hell. tractor pulled hay rides, monster truck rides in the city, you name it. city ppl who came to the city to party like it's the country! toured the crazy opry hotel before going to the opry for the Saturday night show. best part was Billy Ray Cyrus singing Achy Breaky live!

Day 3: headed home, 575mi, again was uneventful for the truck. got a clicking in the steering when not moving, but was just a loose aftermarket box brace. and no heater still. left early and stopped into the Corvette Museum at opening. totally worth stopping, but can't say i'd have driven there just for that. everything was great until it got cold, rainy, and even snowed. as the sun set the cab stopped holding heat and the windows started to fog up on us. i kept running the defrost to wash the warmer moist air out so i could see, but this froze the wife. she had the DeWalt heated jacket on, hat n gloves, like 4 pairs of socks (one mine), then my spare jeans over her yoga pants, all wrapped in a sweater, still wearing my noise canceling headphones over her hears. on a scale of 1-10, loving it to tuck n roll jumping out the window in front of traffic ... she was about a 9 for the last 3h.

but we made! what an awesome adventure of a weekend!

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