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Old 01-27-2022, 11:29 AM   #54
AKA: jeepnski
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the tuning logic is similar between the pumps, but the mods to gain min/max fueling are different, and obviously different parts. the P-Pump has a much wider range of operation to make all this easier, so i'll just start over at some point when i swap it.

the "in cab tuners" are way over priced to me. the big name, AFC live, is just a little box to modify the boost reference signal into the pump. an adjustable psi regulator, an orifice valve, and a bypass switch. basically set max fuel by lowering the max boost it see's, and the rate that fuel comes in by slowing the signal. the other is just basically an adjustable throttle stop inside the pump, again limiting max fuel. i'm going to build my own "AFC live" into the 55 for way cheaper. they are supposed to make a high HP setup easier to street daily.

the springs n screws still gota be set right in the pump though, these signal mods only fine tune that in one direction. something like the orifice might help mpg in the city, but you might be able to spool faster with more fuel for towing. not sure, still learning that part.
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Last edited by 6DoF; 01-27-2022 at 01:05 PM.
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