Thread: I went wheeling
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Old 05-13-2022, 11:38 AM   #218
AKA: Kebo
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 7,932
Default Ejs

Yo! It’s been a while since I’ve posted in here. I went to Moab for EJS ‘22. Again, I drove my hunk of sh!t out there after working on getting a cage in it just weeks before.


Driving out on 39s was only sketchy in the highest elevations of the mountains. Smooth sailing after Vail Pass.
Coming down the west side of Eisenhower Tunnel:

Met up with B a bunch during this trip. Once the first day I got into town on Steel bender then later in the week a few more times for Kane Creek and Hells Revenge. Sorry we didn’t party more, B, and thanks again for the curds!

Stayed with Lubes and some others at this place:

This was bullish!t:

But still went and ran most of Kane Creek w/ B, despite the snow. Didn’t end up making it to the end this day as there was a serious traffic jam at the exit. This was my favorite day, in hindsight. Good dudes, sick rigs (check out those FSJs!) but chilly and windy. Glad I had my top and a heater for refuge.

Hells revenge. One of the couples in our group had a fully decked out Bronco 4 door. I did mickeys hot tub and I have a pic of it but I can’t find it.

Mashed Potatoes:

This was part of the Trifecta. I’m not real familiar with those trails so this was fun. We ended up on a new trail called Where Eagles Dare.

One of the last drops coming out of Poison spider, I went to bring my front tires over a rock ledge when my brake pedal went straight to the floor. Luckily, I was in 4low and riding the rest of the ledge out was no big deal. Also lucky for me, it was an easy fix and Napa had a new brake line the next day.

I had my new brake line by 10am and had it swapped quickly, so we ran Kane Creek the last day we were there. This time we made it all the way to the end, which was my favorite part.

Good times this year. And it’s always nice to be able to drive
My junk home after abusing it all week.

Here’s the link to my Imgur post. There’s a couple vids in there.
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