Thread: I went wheeling
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Old 05-19-2022, 09:51 AM   #223
AKA: Kebo
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 7,932

I’m behind on posts but about 2.5 weeks ago I went down to Buena Vista and ran Carnage for the first time. Trails like this will always expose vulnerabilities in your junk and mine was no exception. Carnage took a fair amount of winching to get me and my other buddy in the white YJ through. Crew included Greg, who comes here from time to time and three of my friends that I’ve known forever.

My junk made it through, thankfully. On the way out, however, I clipped a giant rock coming down Chinaman’s.

The impact broke the sector shaft in my steering box. I had to leave it overnight and get a new box and swap it in the next day. I’m a lucky guy and my friend drove back down there with me (2hour drive, each way) and helped me swap it.

The steering box swap took less than an hour and I was back on the road home. However, the impact knocked my steering so far out of alignment, the tires were barking anytime my wheels weren’t straight. Highway speeds were very sketchy as it had way too much toe out, so it would dart all over the lane with any slight adjustment. Not a great feeling driving twisty mountain roads. I ended up stopping in Fairplay and adjusting the tie rod to a more acceptable alignment.

I hate to do it, but I’m parking this thing for a few weeks. I’m going to finally drill and tap my steering box and install a hydro assist ram.
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