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Old 01-27-2023, 03:05 PM   #18
- The Don -
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So, about that '21 Tahoe

Anyway, my JT has the 3.0 Diesel and I love it. Power, albeit a bit of a delay at takeoff, torque...the Banks Pedal Monster helps the pedal feel for sure...I have the Deringer as well but never installed it. Heard it's potentially troublesome when towing...and I do a fair bit of that w/ a SXS and now my enclosed trailer. It legit pounds DEF when towing, good lord!

Still running stock gears (3.73) on 37s and it's got snort - could probably go to 4.56 or 4.88 for a bit more pull, but not really worth it at this time.

I've had it to the mountains a few times, and while it gets solid fuel mileage, it could be a bit better. Friends with bigger meats get better, but I'm guessing that's all in drive I'll take the 17-20 that it varies and live w/ it. I mean, it's a brick, right

Towed the SXS to Moab last year and got about 13 avg...going speeds above 70 so I could slow it down bit and improve, but fukall. Going to be super curious to see how it tows this year, with an enclosed trailer loaded w/ a SXS and some camping gear.

Lord knows I'm not an engineer - but you guys have any more feedback on these engines now that they've been out for a bit?

This is the beast I'll be towing -

To each his own.

Not all those who wander are lost.

The great irony - triggered snowflakes accusing triggered snowflakes of being triggered snowflakes
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