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Old 06-13-2023, 08:57 PM   #1
alcoholic little wombat
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 23,410
Default 4.0L mileage survival??

I bought my WJ at 188k, went through just about everything I could possibly think of to ensure it had a long and reliable life for me as my DD, and now as I quickly approach 270k it has developed quite the loud ticking on the top end and it got me wondering, just how much abuse and how long of life have you all really gotten out of a tride and true 4 liter??
I did a thorough engine flush when I first got her and have been running AmsOil ever since, but admittedly it has lost oil quicker than expected and I have run her quite low before catching it on occasion (usually noticed by a similar top end ticking that goes away once topping her off). :angel:
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