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Old 06-23-2023, 12:38 PM   #10
alcoholic little wombat
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 23,410

So I ran the ATF for about 20 mins (half bottle for first 10, second half for another 10) and then dumped the oil and filter and put in fresh oil and a cheap filter... the noise was just as bad.
I then added a bottle of Marvel Mystery Oil to run for that first 100-500 miles on the crappy filter... sound seems to have gotten worse.
Talking to Natey and Googling some stuff, seemed a lifter collapsed and I decided to park it until I can work on it to prevent unnecessary damage/unscheduled and immediate disassembly...
Yesterday I pulled the crappy filter (under 100 miles of driving on it) to put the fresh one on, before I pulled it into my garage for the time being, and the filter was EMPTY. Looked like I had installed it, let it sit, and pulled it back off 3 days later. I usually fill the filter once and let it seep in before install, but honestly don't remember if I did that this time, but looking into it you can see bare bottom!
For sheets and giggles I fired it up one more time, and it still builds oil pressure as usual, so how is this even possible!?
Any ideas from my original Jeep gurus??

I'm heading to Vernal for WE Rock this weekend, but will tear it apart when I can cuz now I'm super curious.
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