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Old 10-23-2023, 11:45 AM   #31
- The Don -
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Originally Posted by Jeepin Jason View Post
I priced out a Rubicon recently, and it was just over $70K. Now, that was basically fully loaded, with the 35" tire pkg, steel bumpers, winch, hard top, color matched flares/top, upgraded stereo, etc. Which I figure was still cheaper overall than starting with a regular Rubicon and then adding a lift, tires, bumpers, winch, etc after market. But still... that's literally Lexus GX460 money. And far more than any 4Runner. But at the same time, the Wrangler has 35" tires, bumpers, winch, etc. so it's basically fully modded up and ready to go wherever you're willing to take it. The base model Rubicon now starts are more than what my well-equipped 2016 HardRock stickered at... And the Rubicon X MSRP is 2x what I paid for my 2009 Rubicon.
Yep, while prices are absurd, if you're looking for a min 35" tire w/ mods and not having to do them yourself, saving labor, this is a buy to make.

Still tough to stomach tho.

Originally Posted by 6DoF View Post
locally there are wranglers 6-9k below MSRP on the lots ... Rams are 10k off msrp here
Yep, if you're a smart shopper and been looking for a long time, know what you're looking for and ready to pull the trigger w/ a fat down payment, there are deals out there for the taking!

Originally Posted by nblehm View Post
I briefly talked to Cobound about new gladiators because there are max tow gladiators for under 40k on the lots here. Then I came to my senses.
Dude, I don't normally lose someone, as soon as they talk to me they go're an outlier

Think of all the free time you'd have w/o having to work on your old stuff
To each his own.

Not all those who wander are lost.

The great irony - triggered snowflakes accusing triggered snowflakes of being triggered snowflakes
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