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Old 10-23-2023, 11:59 AM   #258
- The Don -
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Yeah, if I had one that was just clean, same it like I stole it.

Our last two were really clean, for MN standards especially...but once you start seeing a HINT of a bubble, or discoloration somewhere, it's too late, and you either cut it out and go to town, or live with it and let it take its course.

I sold the last one for more than I paid - but I also stuck some coin into it. It was reliable, drove great, but after a few instances of being "stranded", my daughter was paranoid. "Dad to the rescue" was getting old for her and the wife, so we tossed her the JK and got the wife a car.

She misses the space, but loves the JK...all's good. Think we're done w/ XJs now - they just got to be too old for the daily.
To each his own.

Not all those who wander are lost.

The great irony - triggered snowflakes accusing triggered snowflakes of being triggered snowflakes
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