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Old 01-16-2024, 11:22 AM   #374
AKA: jeepnski
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
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did a lot more staring at things over the weekend and trying stuff, then trying again til i finally got what i liked. new shut-down cable is in! it's actually a locking cable, but could just be a basic choke cable it if i wanted now. no springs, just pull on, push off, lock if ya want. probably lock-on to make sure it maintains full fuel ability.

re-did the throttle cable to delete the 2nd gen TPS and extra unnecessary linkages. just need a new throttle return spring and mount to really make that prime.

got the radiator installed and fully piped! i'm not a huge fan of the upper hose, but not the end of the world either. if there's ever an issue i already found steam ports made to cut into silicone hoses.

took the pump AFC apart to hopefully start to dial in the fueling a bit and smoke out the shop way less ... fawk, i should charge the batteries after all the starting ... key now is going to be getting things ready at the bare min to drive it. gauges, wiring, fix air leaks in bag lines, etc. then i can start work on the bed and other cosmetics knowing worst case she's viable.

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