speaking of seals, the front crank seal had to be struggling to keep oil in. quick repair sleeve and good to go ... or so i thought. sleeve went right on, i bought the fancy Cummins main seal tool kit last time i was messing with one. but my first try getting the seal into the front cover ended with a damaged seal, totally my fault. now i had to wait for delivery of another, but while looking i realized what the other tool in the kit was and that's what i needed! 2nd seal, used the nice tool, junk went right in. too bad it was junk and the seal was ripped half way around ... why do i keep buying china crap!?!?. 2 $11 seals down, i ordered 3 $25 MAHLE. first one popped right in and finally good to go.
i had ordered the blue amazon valve cover gaskets too, and they weren't even the right size. had to stretch them ever to slightly and would just pop off. returned those for the red ones ... you'd think i would have learned by now.