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Old 12-09-2024, 07:06 AM   #276
AKA: jeepnski
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alternator was still using a factory looking hookup, but i know the PO said the check engine light (i mean, Gate Open light cuz RamCharger dash bezel) was on since he swapped to a new voltage reg. i shorted all that out hooking it back up with the battery connected and no-charge. ordered the PA Performance 1-wire with warranty that i could get faster than the DIY parts to build one, thing showed up on the early truck Saturday. this is when things went down hill.

chopped all the BS off the battery lead, new terminal end, she's charging perfect and no more light on the dash! time for a better test drive finally, lets return a bunch of stuff from Thanksgiving to my parents house. feeling confident, i'll even take the wife. made it like 2miles and blew off a charge pipe, again. this is where she starts getting snippy about "always breaking your truck" and "why do you always have to do something stupid" ... i'm over hearing about it. pull over, pop the hood to confirm what joint, it's an annoying one and i'll fix it at dad's. there's some smoke, but looks like it's coming from all the new manifold and turbo insulation. it wasn't.

get to dad's and park, i left a trail of oil into the driveway and all over his parking pad ... faaawwkkkk ... get that look from the wife and she goes inside. the oil drain from the atmos turbo had a HUGE split! oil just sheeting off everything under the truck, i lost about 3qt of oil in like 9miles. lucky for me i didn't come completely off, and there was enough hose to cut off the split, have less on the turbo barb, and still clamp on the pan. with the charge pipe also back on, home was easy.

the intercooler to intake horn is crimp bent exhaust pipe, it blows off cuz there's no safety lip. added weld, lets hope that's never an issue again.

really didn't want to break the seal between the turbo and the mount, but i REALLY should have done this hose update while the engine was out. just need to eliminate the welded on tube so i can use the -10AN drain. lets hope i can get everything to seal up nice again.

to help make gaskets i sharpened an old nut driver in a drill with the grinder, worked awesome!

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Last edited by 6DoF; 12-09-2024 at 07:09 AM.
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