I don't really want any more height. It's about the right height for stumpy little leg people like me and gimpy people... and my dog with short legs. Maybe 2" more would be OK, but I'd rather that was in tire than lift.
I'm old, fat, and slow with stumpy legs and size 14 shoes. About all the rock rails give me is a dirty pantleg.
When I was sitting there with a straight edge between the balljoints you run out of frame to wheel balljoint centerline rapidly. If my math is right, it looks like you'd run out of tire to frame distance about the same time you'd hit 37s and (if my math is right, focusing on scrub radius)... you can barely fit 37s with no lift if you go to some kind of fender that doesn't go below the fender flare support (Metalcloak?). I'd rather have little to no lift and bigger tires while maintaining a decent scrub radius.