Thread: Nsg370
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Old 03-24-2025, 06:58 AM   #34
Jeeper wannabe
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Decided to do spark plugs and boots since I think it'd been a while. Pretty sure the heads have been off it before as when I looked at it there were a ton of Christmas trees not plugged in to the appropriate holes, but dealerships aren't known to replace things early.

Someone forgot to run intake bolt #7 in, furthering my belief someone has had the top of the motor apart:

.086" is a reasonable gap, no?

When I bought it, it had no lights on the dash and other than codes related to a stalled wiper motor in the past and the amplifiers complaining about no speakers... no other codes. Well, I had most of the interior tore apart running new wire. I got an airbag light last night. So after messing about, I decided it must be the hall effect sensor in the passenger seatbelt because sure as **** it tests bad. And I can't find a replacement without buying the whole seatbelt buckle assembly for $150 used or $350 new. So after testing it with a scope, I'm going to try a 4kohm resistor when I feel like working under the seat again, maybe tonight. Safety first!

Anyway, I drove it about 8 miles yesterday and I only hit reverse twice while driving down the road and 6th maybe 10 times when trying to back up. Definitely shifts nicer and is more positive. Can barely get the tires to spin going into second, but the tires only have 25psi in them and are pretty grippy.

Found now that the HVAC controls are replaced and actually work, it must have wore out the blend actuator with all of its cycles so I ordered a new one. I will say that Jscan was worth buying last night just for testing HVAC. Hopefully it doesn't suck to replace.

The brake pedal started squeaking near the end of the drive, so I assume the booster must be bad. Next thing to investigate.

Been trying to find a cheap place to get Maximus3 parts but they don't seem to exist. Last piece to get it ready to be a toad is some way to hook my tow bar to it.

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